
Hi, I’m Stephen,

I suppose like all of us my life has had its ups and downs. At different times during my life I was faced with challenges. I struggled with anxiety, addiction, the suicide of a good friend, the loss of my grandparents, depression, anxiety, bulimia and a chronic lack of confidence. I was very confused and mixed up all of the time, I was a mess. I went to a psychologist and sat for hours talking to them. Things changed for a bit but then I reverted back to the way I was before. I decided I was looking in the wrong place. I started to look inwards. I hated myself and this needed to change. So I went in… That’s when the magic started to happen. It didn’t happen overnight but by spending time with myself, becoming aware of things like understanding my ego and the language of emotion, I learned to quieten my mind and understand my emotions. Why I have them, the fact that spirit can’t experience emotion so we come here in physical form to experience emotions which help us grow and learn. By learning to quieten my mind, I was able to connect with and sit with my emotions and eventually with my true self, my higher self or spirit, more easily and experience great peace and calm. It felt like a gift. I was learning how to truly BE.

My Approach


My approach is to intuitively work with you in a practical way on a mind and energy level, to help you understand more about your emotions and help you to learn how to navigate and sit with them. It’s absolutely magical when you start to finally realise who you really are and to feel peace and deep clarity within yourself. To feel true love for yourself. Not Ego love, as I like to call it, which is all in your head. But true love for yourself.

One of the hardest things is to really look deep within yourself. Most people find this very difficult because they fear what they might find or that they might find nothing at all. I know I did. But I took the leap and started to explore and what I found was very powerful - the people and friends I met along the way were very special. I started asking questions about who I truly was. I realised I was powerful, magical and truly amazing. These words don’t really do it justice because no words can explain my experiences.

I found a drive in me that I had never felt before. The more I delved, the more I wanted to know. I learned to understand and manage my ego, to understand negative thoughts that I had accumulated over my lifetime. To understand that I had asked for these experiences to feel the emotions around them. To learn from them and move on. Up to this I felt stuck because I wasn’t aware of what to do, and I felt I needed to find out. Its something I’m still doing to this day.

I developed techniques for myself to do this which is something I will teach you. I look forward to working with you to find out who you truly are and help you find that deep peace, grace and love inside you in the most practical way possible for you.

Love and Light to you all.
